Video Credit: Esoteric, LLC

Many of you will no doubt be familiar with the tactical training services provided by Esoteric, LLC, but for those of you who aren’t, here’s a brief intro.

Following the tragic events of 9/11 Yousef Sansour, Esoteric’s founder began working in a counter-terrorism (CT) capacity with various U.S government agencies including the FBI, DHS, USSS and DoD. Sansour honed his impressive skills during these highly specialized missions while traversing six out of the seven continents. That sure is one way to see the world!

The precise insight that these experiences provided allows him to offer training that not only demonstrates tactics, but explains the crucial “why” behind them. Esoteric currently offers courses on Basic Anti-Terrorism, High-Intensity CQB, Night Vision Operation and Basic SWAT Operator training, to name a few.

On a personal level, Sansour is an accomplished competitive shooter, competing on a national level and is unsurprisingly ranked as a Grandmaster shooter in the United States Practical Association. He is also a Master shooter in the International Defensive Pistol Association. So, in other words, he is not someone you would want to face-off with a duel, or any other fire fight for that matter.

You can find out more about Esoteric’s schedule of services by visiting their website. And, be sure to check out their FB and IG accounts as well.


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