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We are concluding the final part of our three-part series with the Terrific Trifecta. Today, we spoke with Mike, the force behind @militarybadass on Instagram.

Mike joined the British Military in 2012, after graduating from basic training he qualified as Machine Gunner. He has since been deployed to locations all over the world including parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

One of the most valuable lessons Mike has learned during his career is the necessity of teamwork. He says one phrase that particularly resonates with him is “Plan alone. Failure is imminent”. He goes on to explain “we don’t always get the chance to do mission planning as a team, but we can all draw on our past experiences and lessons as part of the preparation,”

Mental preparation has been an essential element of Mike’s daily routine since basic training. This is what motivates him to get out of bed every morning and seize the day by whatever body part necessary. On the rare occasions when he needs a little extra incentive to get up and get going, he can always rely on man’s best friend to awaken him like clockwork. 😊

Apart from his full-on military service commitments Mike has taken an active role in supporting veterans’ causes across social media. He says “Whenever I see worthy cause from a veteran on Social Media, I am all up for helping. Whether its fundraising or just helping a buddy out after an operation to fix a lost limb, I feel obligated to help. In fact, I see it as my duty to do so. We are all brothers and sisters in arms who have fought on the same dirt for almost 20 years. This is something we can never forget!”

Mike runs a popular military themed page on Instagram and greatly enjoys the venue social media provides for networking, exchanging old war stories and of course discussing the latest and greatest Kit.

As a result of Mike’s online collaboration with Sean he received his introduction to our HEL-STAR® Lights. To date his experience with the lights has been largely within a training environment, but with his next deployment imminent he recognizes the critical part they can play in overall mission success.

Mike says “Every military member past and present understands the importance of gear that contributes towards the end goal. Products that can get thrown around, submerged, bashed and dragged about like CORE’S HEL-STAR® Lights and still provide an amazing output are worth paying a little bit extra for. I like to put it this way – buy cheap, buy twice!”

Be sure to check out Mike’s page at @militarybadass, you will enjoy the stunning shots and appreciate his down-to-earth approach to all things military and gear related.


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